Chronological Examinations of Science Fiction:
Pre-pulp SF, and the early Gernsbeck Years
(Wells, shelly, Jules Verne, ??, Amazing)
Planetary Romance and the later pulp years
Burroughs. Burroughs Burroughs. EARLY FANDOM.
Golden Age of SF
Camble/astounding. House writers and the big 4. Camble ideas as written by various house writers (mirror themed novels). Non-astounding Golden Age material. Compare US to British in this era (very different mix. Also, Orwell, and non "genre" science fiction of era). Serial Structure... or why those golden age novels are structured the way they are. Fix Ups. Transitions from Fantasy markets to Science fiction markets (How Pern and Darkover became science fiction). Fandom.
The New Wave
Early Galaxy deviations from the golden age norm, and other new Wave Anticedents. Feminist SF. New worlds/morchock and Harrison. Changing standards of paperback publishing (more explicity sex allowed) and now that fueled the later half of the new wave period. Again, not differences/similiarites in Britsh/American SF during this period. Fandom.
Gibson's first published shorty story, Fact Sheet Five, through the publicaction of Snowcrash, which offically ended the "cyberpunk" era. Cover some antecedents. (brunner?).
Trends in Modern SF (The last 30 years):
New Space Opera, Dystopia, Steampunk, HardSF Renascence, and other big fat reprint anthologies
Thematic and other ways to look at SF
Young Adult and juvenile Adventure Science Fiction:
Tom swift to Heinlien to Suzanne Collins
Feminist Science Fiction Revolutions
The Language of the Night (Le Guin, 1979) and How To Suppress Women's Writing (Russ, 1983).
British Science Fiction Traditions and trends
Orwell, brunner and Ballard, with Whindim and others. Banks. New Space Opera.
Utopian Traditions: advocacy vs observation
Early pre SF utopian Novels, Rand, KSR, etc etc
Dystopian Literature
Brave New World, Orwell, brunner, ballard, Kim Stanly Robinson, Atwood, paolo.
Apocalyptic and post apocalyptic literature
M. P. Sheil, Walter Miller, The Road, Kim Stanley Robinson
Alternate History
Turtledove to Kim Stanley Robinson. Steampunk.
Paradox of Other in Science Fiction literature
Disproportionately homogenous nature of Science fiction literature and fandom, and how this is at odds with its immigrant roots and thematic concerns. Writers of Color, and how minority writing communities view Science Fiction. Passing vs not passing (pseudonym)
How Science Fiction won the War and made itself irrelavant.
larger examination of science fictions influence and presence in other facets of popular culture, and how this impacted the literature of SF.
Science Fiction and Imperialism:
British and American science fiction. Steam Punk and Alternate history. Dystopian reflections on empires in decline.
Dying Earth Traditionns in SF
Hodgson, Jack Vance, Wolfe and beyond...
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